Emily van Lidth de Jeude - Visual Artist

Emily van Lidth de Jeude - Visual Artist

Art Hub -TBD

Demo's during the Tour - Sunday, May 26 -1-2pm on Sunday - dry-point monoprinting or oil & graphite. 

Medium:  Social Practice artist working in installation, wearable art, and oil/graphite.

Website: http://emilyartist.ca/


Instagram:  @emilyvanartist

Email:   emilyvanartist@gmail.com

Social practice artist Emily van Lidth de Jeude’s work is informed by her own life experiences, the ecology she lives in, as well as story she collects from others.
Emily grew up on Bowen Island/Nex̱wlélex̱wem, before leaving to work and study at the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in the Netherlands as well as at Emily Carr University in Vancouver. She then dedicated herself to parenting and teaching, following her passion for explorative learning and wilderness education as she unschooled her two children, developed various art and wilderness programs, and pursued her visual art career.

Projects of distinction in Emily’s career have been the MAMA Project and w h a t . h o m e installations, which have been exhibited in Washington state and the Netherlands, as well as in Canada. Currently still obsessed with her local ecology, she has been painting the feeling of music and wind, and creating wearable art pieces to open dialogue about women’s issues.


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  • Andrew Plewes - Painting

    Andrew Plewes - Painting

    Art Hub Location:  331 Josephine Drive, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2 Medium: Painting Website: andrewplewes.com Facebook:  Instagram: @andrewplewesart Email: andrewplewes@telus.net Andrew Plewes is a second generation graduate of the Ontario College Of Art. He has...

    Andrew Plewes - Painting

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    Art by Di - Acrylic Painting

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    Arts Pacific Gallery - Art Co-operative

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    Arts Pacific Gallery - Art Co-operative

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  • Catherine Patterson - Paintings & Sculpture

    Catherine Patterson - Paintings & Sculpture

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    Catherine Patterson - Paintings & Sculpture

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  • Cathy Buchanan - Wood Carvings, Resin & Spoons

    Cathy Buchanan - Wood Carvings, Resin & Spoons

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    Cathy Buchanan - Wood Carvings, Resin & Spoons

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  • Chelsea Mainwaring - Jewellery

    Chelsea Mainwaring - Jewellery

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  • Christie Grace - Jewelry

    Christie Grace - Jewelry

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    Christie Grace - Jewelry

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Jewelry  Website: christiegrace.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christiegracedesigns/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/christiegracedesigns Email: christiegracestudio@gmail.com Christie Grace is an integral part of the vibrant artistic and musical community thriving on Bowen Island, her cherished...

  • Claudia Schaefer - Visual Art

    Claudia Schaefer - Visual Art

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Paintings, Sculpture, Jewellery and Functional Art Website: https://schaeferimages.smugmug.com/ Facebook: Instagram:  @claudia_schaefer_studio Email: schaeferimages@gmail.com Claudia Schaefer creates bold, contemporary paintings, large showpiece resin sculptures, and functional artworks. Her...

    Claudia Schaefer - Visual Art

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Paintings, Sculpture, Jewellery and Functional Art Website: https://schaeferimages.smugmug.com/ Facebook: Instagram:  @claudia_schaefer_studio Email: schaeferimages@gmail.com Claudia Schaefer creates bold, contemporary paintings, large showpiece resin sculptures, and functional artworks. Her...

  • Connie Wright - Jewellery

    Connie Wright - Jewellery

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    Connie Wright - Jewellery

    Art Hub Location:   Medium: Jewellery Website:  Facebook:  Instagram: @conniewrightoriginals Email:   ccbcbowen@icloud.com I have a long history on Bowen where I’ve been creating and selling my knits and beaded jewelry for decades. My...

  • Coral Louie - Visual Artist - Paintings

    Coral Louie - Visual Artist - Paintings

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    Coral Louie - Visual Artist - Paintings

    Art Hub 5 -VAN KERVEL/KERR RESIDENCE - 466 SUNSET ROAD, BOWEN ISLAND, BC Medium: Painting Website: signstudiobowen.blogspot.com Facebook:  Instagram:   Email: coralsigns@gmail.com Biography:  I enjoy experimenting with oils and watercolours; and have...

  • David Riddell - Wood Turning

    David Riddell - Wood Turning

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    David Riddell - Wood Turning

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  • Dayna Purdy Kreutzer - Jewelry, Home Decor, Art

    Dayna Purdy Kreutzer - Jewelry, Home Decor, Art

    Art Hub 21 -TIM KING ART STUDIO -1160 COWAN POINT DRIVE, BOWEN ISLAND, BC, V0N1G2 Medium: Jewelry, Home Decor, Art Website: www.dkreutzerhandcrafted.ca Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DKreutzerHandcrafted/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dkreutzerhandcrafted/ Email: hello@dkreutzerhandcrafted.ca A self-taught artist...

    Dayna Purdy Kreutzer - Jewelry, Home Decor, Art

    Art Hub 21 -TIM KING ART STUDIO -1160 COWAN POINT DRIVE, BOWEN ISLAND, BC, V0N1G2 Medium: Jewelry, Home Decor, Art Website: www.dkreutzerhandcrafted.ca Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DKreutzerHandcrafted/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dkreutzerhandcrafted/ Email: hello@dkreutzerhandcrafted.ca A self-taught artist...

  • Diane Buchanan - Oil Painting

    Diane Buchanan - Oil Painting

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Oil Painting Website:  Facebook: Diane Buchanan Instagram:   Email: diane-buchanan@telus.net Diane is a graduate of Vancouver School of Art (now Emily Carr) did two years post grad...

    Diane Buchanan - Oil Painting

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Oil Painting Website:  Facebook: Diane Buchanan Instagram:   Email: diane-buchanan@telus.net Diane is a graduate of Vancouver School of Art (now Emily Carr) did two years post grad...

  • Eleanor Rosenberg - Paintings & Illustrations

    Eleanor Rosenberg - Paintings & Illustrations

    Art Hub Location  - TBD Medium:  Paintings & Illustrations Website: https://themadmarker.org/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/themadmarker/ & Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themadmarker/ Email: eleanor@themadmarker.org From the rainforests of Bowen Island to the clay cliffs of Whitehorse, Eleanor Rosenberg splits her...

    Eleanor Rosenberg - Paintings & Illustrations

    Art Hub Location  - TBD Medium:  Paintings & Illustrations Website: https://themadmarker.org/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/themadmarker/ & Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themadmarker/ Email: eleanor@themadmarker.org From the rainforests of Bowen Island to the clay cliffs of Whitehorse, Eleanor Rosenberg splits her...

  • Emilie Kaplun Designs - Jewellery

    Emilie Kaplun Designs - Jewellery

    Art Hub Location - TBA Medium: Jewellery Website: kaplundesigns.com Facebook: Emilie Kaplun Designs Instagram:  @kaplun.designs Email: emilie@kaplundesigns.com Emilie Kaplun creates unique handcrafted jewellery. Emilie specializes in wedding jewellery and designs custom tiaras in...

    Emilie Kaplun Designs - Jewellery

    Art Hub Location - TBA Medium: Jewellery Website: kaplundesigns.com Facebook: Emilie Kaplun Designs Instagram:  @kaplun.designs Email: emilie@kaplundesigns.com Emilie Kaplun creates unique handcrafted jewellery. Emilie specializes in wedding jewellery and designs custom tiaras in...

  • Emily van Lidth de Jeude - Visual Artist

    Emily van Lidth de Jeude - Visual Artist

    Art Hub -TBD Demo's during the Tour - Sunday, May 26 -1-2pm on Sunday - dry-point monoprinting or oil & graphite.  Medium:  Social Practice artist working in installation, wearable art, and oil/graphite. Website: http://emilyartist.ca/...

    Emily van Lidth de Jeude - Visual Artist

    Art Hub -TBD Demo's during the Tour - Sunday, May 26 -1-2pm on Sunday - dry-point monoprinting or oil & graphite.  Medium:  Social Practice artist working in installation, wearable art, and oil/graphite. Website: http://emilyartist.ca/...

  • Gerold Mueller - Jewellery

    Gerold Mueller - Jewellery

    Art Hub TBA Medium:  Jewellery Email:  mueller.c.elis@gmail.com Instagram:  @jewellery_by_gerold Facebook:  Website:  jewellery-by-gerold.ca Jewellery by Gerold designs are an ever evolving collection of jewellery pieces which show endless variations within its decorations...

    Gerold Mueller - Jewellery

    Art Hub TBA Medium:  Jewellery Email:  mueller.c.elis@gmail.com Instagram:  @jewellery_by_gerold Facebook:  Website:  jewellery-by-gerold.ca Jewellery by Gerold designs are an ever evolving collection of jewellery pieces which show endless variations within its decorations...

  • Gregg Simpson - Paintings, Drawings & Fine Art Prints

    Gregg Simpson - Paintings, Drawings & Fine Art ...

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    Gregg Simpson - Paintings, Drawings & Fine Art ...

    Art Hub Location:   Medium: Paintings, Drawings, & Fine Art Prints Website: https://www.greggsimpsonart.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greggsimpsonart Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greggsimpsonart Email:  greggsimpsonart@gmail.com Gregg Simpson has lived on Bowen Island for 20 years and has been creating art...

  • Hearth Gallery - Arts on Bowen

    Hearth Gallery - Arts on Bowen

     Art Hub 21 - Hearth Gallery - Arts on Bowen - 430 Bowen Island Trunk Road, Bowen Island BC, V0N1G1 Medium: Visual, Literary and Performing Arts  Website: thehearthartsonbowen.ca Facebook: @thehearthgallery Instagram:  @hearth_artsonbowen Email: hello@thehearthartsonbowen.ca...

    Hearth Gallery - Arts on Bowen

     Art Hub 21 - Hearth Gallery - Arts on Bowen - 430 Bowen Island Trunk Road, Bowen Island BC, V0N1G1 Medium: Visual, Literary and Performing Arts  Website: thehearthartsonbowen.ca Facebook: @thehearthgallery Instagram:  @hearth_artsonbowen Email: hello@thehearthartsonbowen.ca...

  • Heather Doherty - That Lady Heather  - Resin Artworks

    Heather Doherty - That Lady Heather - Resin Ar...

    Art Hub ____ - BOWEN GOLF COURSE - 810 BEACH DR, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G2 Medium: Resin Artworks Website: thatladyheather.com Facebook:  Instagram:  @thatladyheather Email: thatladyheather@gmail.com I’m That Lady Heather and you can...

    Heather Doherty - That Lady Heather - Resin Ar...

    Art Hub ____ - BOWEN GOLF COURSE - 810 BEACH DR, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G2 Medium: Resin Artworks Website: thatladyheather.com Facebook:  Instagram:  @thatladyheather Email: thatladyheather@gmail.com I’m That Lady Heather and you can...

  • Ingrid Hauss (M.Ed) - Author, Artist Educator

    Ingrid Hauss (M.Ed) - Author, Artist Educator

    Art Hub Location:  TBA Medium: Author, Artist, & Educator Website: ingridhauss.com Facebook:  Instagram:   Email: ingrid@ingridhauss.com Ingrid Hauss, M.Ed (Arts Education) is an interdisciplinary artist, arts educator and internationally published author of the book: Toward Renewal...

    Ingrid Hauss (M.Ed) - Author, Artist Educator

    Art Hub Location:  TBA Medium: Author, Artist, & Educator Website: ingridhauss.com Facebook:  Instagram:   Email: ingrid@ingridhauss.com Ingrid Hauss, M.Ed (Arts Education) is an interdisciplinary artist, arts educator and internationally published author of the book: Toward Renewal...

  • Janet Esseiva - Acrylic Painting

    Janet Esseiva - Acrylic Painting

    Janet moved to Bowen Island in 2005, where she keeps her home studio. After much pressure she started offering workshops which became a sold out hit year after year, with...

    Janet Esseiva - Acrylic Painting

    Janet moved to Bowen Island in 2005, where she keeps her home studio. After much pressure she started offering workshops which became a sold out hit year after year, with...

  • Jenny Anstey - Hand Drawn Playing Cards

    Jenny Anstey - Hand Drawn Playing Cards

    Art Hub TBD Medium: Hand Drawn Playing Cards Website:  jennyanstey.com Facebook:  Instagram:   Email: jenny_anstey@yahoo.ca Jenny Anstey lives and works on Bowen Island. She is a painter and illustrator working in oil paint...

    Jenny Anstey - Hand Drawn Playing Cards

    Art Hub TBD Medium: Hand Drawn Playing Cards Website:  jennyanstey.com Facebook:  Instagram:   Email: jenny_anstey@yahoo.ca Jenny Anstey lives and works on Bowen Island. She is a painter and illustrator working in oil paint...

  • Jens Diercks - Sculpture

    Jens Diercks - Sculpture

    Art Hub Location:  Medium: Painting Website: jensdiercks.com Facebook:  Instagram: Email: jens@jensdiercks.com Jens Diercks was born in West Germany and trained as an artist in Vancouver. He produces wall sculptures of the...

    Jens Diercks - Sculpture

    Art Hub Location:  Medium: Painting Website: jensdiercks.com Facebook:  Instagram: Email: jens@jensdiercks.com Jens Diercks was born in West Germany and trained as an artist in Vancouver. He produces wall sculptures of the...

  • Jilly Watson - Paintings

    Jilly Watson - Paintings

    Art Hub Location - Watson Residence -832 Valhalla Place ( worth the drive as views not to be missed from this Venue) Demo's During the Tour: Jilly will be demo'ing through out...

    Jilly Watson - Paintings

    Art Hub Location - Watson Residence -832 Valhalla Place ( worth the drive as views not to be missed from this Venue) Demo's During the Tour: Jilly will be demo'ing through out...

  • Jude Neale

    Jude Neale

    Art Hub Location:  Medium:  Poetry  Website: www.judeneale.ca Facebook:  Instagram:  __judescool Email: bowenpoet@gmail.com Jude Neale has written twelve collections of poetry, and is an opera singer, mentor, educator, workshop organizer and...

    Jude Neale

    Art Hub Location:  Medium:  Poetry  Website: www.judeneale.ca Facebook:  Instagram:  __judescool Email: bowenpoet@gmail.com Jude Neale has written twelve collections of poetry, and is an opera singer, mentor, educator, workshop organizer and...

  • Kathleen Ainscough - Mixed Media Paintings

    Kathleen Ainscough - Mixed Media Paintings

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Mixed Media Paintings Website: kathleenainscough.com Facebook: kathleen.ainscough.arts Instagram:  @kathains Email: kathains@gmail.com Kathleen has studied and created fine art, costumes, and textile arts for over 40 years. She works...

    Kathleen Ainscough - Mixed Media Paintings

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Mixed Media Paintings Website: kathleenainscough.com Facebook: kathleen.ainscough.arts Instagram:  @kathains Email: kathains@gmail.com Kathleen has studied and created fine art, costumes, and textile arts for over 40 years. She works...

  • Kathryn Beals -Paintings, Functional Art, Woodworking

    Kathryn Beals -Paintings, Functional Art, Woodw...

    Art Hub Location - TBD Kathryn is the Feature Artist for the 2025 Here's Bowen Arts Tour!  Congrats Kathryn!  Medium: Paintings, functional art, woodworking Website: www.kathrynbeals.com Facebook:  Instagram:  @kathrynbeals Email:...

    Kathryn Beals -Paintings, Functional Art, Woodw...

    Art Hub Location - TBD Kathryn is the Feature Artist for the 2025 Here's Bowen Arts Tour!  Congrats Kathryn!  Medium: Paintings, functional art, woodworking Website: www.kathrynbeals.com Facebook:  Instagram:  @kathrynbeals Email:...

  • Kathy Clarke - Jewelry

    Kathy Clarke - Jewelry

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Jewelry Website: kathyclarkejewelry.com Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/kathyclarkejewelry Instagram:  @kathyclarkejewelry Email:  kathyclarkejewelry@gmail.com One-of-a-kind sterling, silver designs that celebrate individuality, and self expression! I’m in awe of, and inspired by the...

    Kathy Clarke - Jewelry

    Art Hub Location - TBD Medium: Jewelry Website: kathyclarkejewelry.com Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/kathyclarkejewelry Instagram:  @kathyclarkejewelry Email:  kathyclarkejewelry@gmail.com One-of-a-kind sterling, silver designs that celebrate individuality, and self expression! I’m in awe of, and inspired by the...

  • Leslie Lendvoy - Oil Paintings

    Leslie Lendvoy - Oil Paintings

    ART HUB ___ - BOWEN INTEGRATED HEALTH CLINIC #100 - 510 BOWEN TRUNK ROAD, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G1 Medium: Oil Painting Website: leslielendvoy.com Facebook: @leslie.lendvoy.fine.art Instagram:  @leslie.lendvoy.fine.art Email: leslielendvoy@gmail.com Leslie is a...

    Leslie Lendvoy - Oil Paintings

    ART HUB ___ - BOWEN INTEGRATED HEALTH CLINIC #100 - 510 BOWEN TRUNK ROAD, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G1 Medium: Oil Painting Website: leslielendvoy.com Facebook: @leslie.lendvoy.fine.art Instagram:  @leslie.lendvoy.fine.art Email: leslielendvoy@gmail.com Leslie is a...

  • Lisa Arthur - Paintings

    Lisa Arthur - Paintings

    Art Hub Location: TBA Medium: Oil & Acrylic Painting Website: www.LisaArthur.ca Instagram:  @LisaArthurArt Email:  lgstudio@shaw.ca  

    Lisa Arthur - Paintings

    Art Hub Location: TBA Medium: Oil & Acrylic Painting Website: www.LisaArthur.ca Instagram:  @LisaArthurArt Email:  lgstudio@shaw.ca  

  • Liz Watson - Oil  & Watercolour Painting

    Liz Watson - Oil & Watercolour Painting

    Art Hub ____ - BOWEN GOLF COURSE - 810 BEACH DR, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G2   Medium: Oil Painting Website: Facebook: Instagram:  @lizwatsonart Email: lizwatsonart@gmail.com Liz's eye is drawn to...

    Liz Watson - Oil & Watercolour Painting

    Art Hub ____ - BOWEN GOLF COURSE - 810 BEACH DR, BOWEN ISLAND, BC V0N1G2   Medium: Oil Painting Website: Facebook: Instagram:  @lizwatsonart Email: lizwatsonart@gmail.com Liz's eye is drawn to...

  • Marie Neys - Acrylic & Oil Painting

    Marie Neys - Acrylic & Oil Painting

    Art Hub Location - Collins Hall  Medium: Acrylic & Oil Painting Website: marieneys.com Facebook: @marieneysfineart Instagram:  @marieneysfineart Email: marie@marieneys.com Living on Bowen Island allows me to divide my time between the Forest Walks amongst Tall...

    Marie Neys - Acrylic & Oil Painting

    Art Hub Location - Collins Hall  Medium: Acrylic & Oil Painting Website: marieneys.com Facebook: @marieneysfineart Instagram:  @marieneysfineart Email: marie@marieneys.com Living on Bowen Island allows me to divide my time between the Forest Walks amongst Tall...

  • Mary Rose Drescher - Oil Paintings

    Mary Rose Drescher - Oil Paintings

    Art Hub: TBA Medium:  Oil Painting Website:   Facebook: @maryrosedrescher Instagram:  @maryroseartist Email: maryrosedrescher@gmail.com B.F.A.(Mount Allison University)M.Arch.(UBC) Mary Rose Drescher is an artist living on Bowen Island with her husband and two children. Her...

    Mary Rose Drescher - Oil Paintings

    Art Hub: TBA Medium:  Oil Painting Website:   Facebook: @maryrosedrescher Instagram:  @maryroseartist Email: maryrosedrescher@gmail.com B.F.A.(Mount Allison University)M.Arch.(UBC) Mary Rose Drescher is an artist living on Bowen Island with her husband and two children. Her...

  • Matt Vyner - Acrylic Painting

    Matt Vyner - Acrylic Painting

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Acrylic Painting Website:  Facebook   Instagram: @vyner.matt.artwork Email: vyner.matt@gmail.com Matt Vyner is a contemporary artist whose acrylic paintings are known for their vivid, vibrant colours that...

    Matt Vyner - Acrylic Painting

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Acrylic Painting Website:  Facebook   Instagram: @vyner.matt.artwork Email: vyner.matt@gmail.com Matt Vyner is a contemporary artist whose acrylic paintings are known for their vivid, vibrant colours that...

  • Michael Epp - Visual Artists (Paintings)

    Michael Epp - Visual Artists (Paintings)

    Art Hub Location - TBA Demo's During the Tour: TBA Medium: Acrylic & Oil Painting Website: eppart.ca Facebook: Michael Epp Art Instagram:  @michael_epp_art Email: michael@eppart.caI’ve lived on Bowen for almost 30 years and have...

    Michael Epp - Visual Artists (Paintings)

    Art Hub Location - TBA Demo's During the Tour: TBA Medium: Acrylic & Oil Painting Website: eppart.ca Facebook: Michael Epp Art Instagram:  @michael_epp_art Email: michael@eppart.caI’ve lived on Bowen for almost 30 years and have...

  • Natalie Schuler Art- Paintings

    Natalie Schuler Art- Paintings

    Art Hub TBA Medium: Acrylic on raw canvas Website: www.natalieschuler.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natalieschulerart/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natalieschulerart/ Email: natalie.m.schuler@gmail.com Biography:My art practice is driven by a curiosity to explore the unseen realms within the self, delving into the...

    Natalie Schuler Art- Paintings

    Art Hub TBA Medium: Acrylic on raw canvas Website: www.natalieschuler.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natalieschulerart/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natalieschulerart/ Email: natalie.m.schuler@gmail.com Biography:My art practice is driven by a curiosity to explore the unseen realms within the self, delving into the...

  • Nick Jennings  - Paintings

    Nick Jennings - Paintings

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Painting Website: https://nickjennings.ca/ Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/nick.jens.75/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/nickjenningspaintings/ Email: nicholasjennings@capilanou.ca Nick Jennings moved to Bowen in 2019, where he is a member of the Catching Stars...

    Nick Jennings - Paintings

    Art Hub - TBD Medium: Painting Website: https://nickjennings.ca/ Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/nick.jens.75/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/nickjenningspaintings/ Email: nicholasjennings@capilanou.ca Nick Jennings moved to Bowen in 2019, where he is a member of the Catching Stars...