Art Hub 11 Jilly Watson Studio -832 Valhalla Place ( worth the drive as views not to be missed from this Venue)
Demo's During the Tour: Jilly will be demo'ing through out the tour.
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Facebook: @jillywatsonart
Instagram: @jillywatsonart
I have been interested in painting from a young age. After a career of teaching I retired to Bowen in 2000 to explore a second career as an visual artist. You will very often see paths or trails in my work which are for me a strongly symbolic of the choices we make in life.
I have had many mentors on my journey and have taken many workshops with artists that I admire but I am largely self-taught. I have been influenced by the work of Emily Carr and Van Gogh who have inspired me to portray the movement and energy that surrounds us. I am a colourist and enjoy painting happy colourful paintings which uplift the spirits.
Most of my paintings are of Bowen landscapes and colourful flowers. I am an active member of the Federation of Canadian artist and the North shore artists guild. My work has been in many shows and is currently in Catching stars gallery on Bowen Island and 32 Books and Art Gallery in Edgemont Village.